ATC-610K Flight Simulator

USFA currently uses one enclosed ATC 610 Flight Training Device (FTD) with Qualification status: Conferred Level 1 or Qualified and Approved as Level 1 and Level 3 under AC120.45A.

ATC-610K Flight Simulator

Students and licensed pilots become more familiar with primary and basic attitude instrument flying and instrument flight rules as they navigate totally by instruments within the Air Traffic Control environment. The ATC-610K FTD will provide both novice and experienced pilots the opportunity of achieving and maintaining instrument proficiency without actually flying.

Performance Specifications
Gross Weight: 153 Pounds
Speed: Top Speed @ Sea Level: 198 mph (172 kts)
Speed: Cruise, 75% Power: 158 mph (140 kts)
Range: Cruise, 75% Power: 235 Miles
Rate of Climb @ Sea Level: 900 fpm
Service Ceiling: 10,000 ft
Stall Speed: 70 mph (61 kts)
Fuel Capacity: 20 gal