Overview of Airlines Hiring and Resources:
- Air Tran – has recalled all furloughed pilots, they are interviewing and hiring.
- Air Wisconsin – has recalled all furloughed pilots, they are interviewing and hiring.
- American Eagle – has recalled all furloughed pilots and will hire over 200 pilots in 2010
and 300 pilots in 2011.
- ASA – has recalled all furloughed pilots.
- Colgan Airlines – has recalled all furloughed pilots, they are interviewing and hiring.
- CommutAir – has recalled all furloughed pilots, they are interviewing and hiring.
- Compass Airlines – has recalled all furloughed pilots, they are interviewing and hiring.
- Delta Airlines – has recalled all furloughed pilots and has announced it will be
interviewing and hiring beginning in August. Intends to hire 240 pilots.
- GoJet – has recalled all furloughed pilots, they are interviewing and hiring.
- Hawaiian Airlines – is interviewing and hiring pilots.
- Pinnacle Airlines – is interviewing and hiring pilots for First Officer positions.
- Republic Airlines – has recalled all furloughed pilots.
- SkyWest – is interviewing and hiring pilots.
Aviation/Aeronautics/Aerospace Jobs